H - h

HABIT ohke-
habitually ohtše-
hackberries kó'koemenȯtse
Hackberry Bushes Creek Kó'koemenó'ėšé'e
had to nóhpa-
· tȧsée-
hail ao'ėsetonȯtse éamėhnétónėstse
Hail ao'ėseto
hailstone ao'ėseto
· ao'ėškēto
hailstone-painted -ao'ėsetónévómá'e
hair -a'é
· -he'kóovėstséá'e
· mamȧhka'énȧhtsestȯtse
· -mamȧhkovésé
· mé'kóne
· -oo'kóhtas
· -oo'kován
· -pe'pe'ovésé
· vó'kaeheévaho
Hair Háa'ėsta'éhe
hair mamȧhka'éhe
· me'ko
· -mé'konémeeho'tá
· -momé'šeóhtá
· -noónovésé
· oo'kóhtȧxovahtȯtse
· -ovésé
· -séhpovése
· -séškėstséá'e
· -tó'ėstá'e
· -vóhpa'é
· -vóhpėstséá'e
hair - have -mé'kone
hair - sparse -séškovése
hair - thin -séškovése
hair be matted -moméhovaetó
hair clippers oo'kóhtȧxestȯtse
hair cut -oo'kóhtaxe
hair hang down without being fixed -séva'é
hair like string next to ear of corn hoó'kȯhtséme'hahtse
hair oil xo'éstaahtȯtse
hair parters tóvȧséheonȯtse
hair permanent -mamaéné
hair pin mé'konáseno'ėhaseo'o
· mé'konéseno'ėhaseo'o
hair protrude -tšéškovéséóó'e
hair stand up -poetováotse
hair stick out -tšéškėstséá'e
· -tšéškėstséáóó'e
hair stick up -tšéškovéséóó'e
hair thin -oo'ėstséáohtsé
hair ties too'só'hestotȯtse
hair tonic xo'éstaahtȯtse
hair worn bare -oo'ka'é
hairbone he'kone'éemȧsévo'ota
hairbrush pénovésėhestȯtse
Hairless Bear Oo'enáhkohe
hairs stick up on nape -tšéškėhane'éóó'e
hairy mé'h-
· -mé'hová
· -mé'hovahe
· -mé'hováto
· mé'še-
· -mé'šetsénoná
hairy chest -mé'šėšené
hairy ears -mé'hováve'está
hairy faced -mé'hovávéné
· -mé'šéné
hairy feet -momé'šėhahtá
hairy hands -mé'hovávėhe'oná
Hairy Horn Mé'ševėséhe
hairy nose -mé'hováveesé
hairy nose - have a -mé'šeesé
hairy nose ?? -séno'eesé
half é'ėse
· ó'x-
· ó'xe-
· o'xe
· ó'xeéše'he
· -ó'xoeme
Half Bear Ó'xenáhkohe
half breed woman ó'xevé'ho'á'e
half exactly taeó'xe
half man-half woman he'émane
half-breed ó'xevé'ho'e
· tsėhésevé'ho'e
half-breed - be a -ó'xevé'ho'eve
half-dollar ó'xema'kaata
half-way house onó'evámȧhtsé-mȧhéó'o
halitosis -hoxeméahtsená
Halloween Méstaeo'o Tsé'ȯhketóxeohtsévȯse
Halloween Dance Méstaévȯhomó'hestȯtse
hallucinated -aéstomevóom
halter ho'óneeto'hamestȯtse
· hóxeeséeto'hamestȯtse
halter horse(s) -ho'óneeto'hamé
· -hóxeeséetȯhe'hamé
· -hóxeeséeto'hamé
halve -ó'xovanené
ham -htsetone
Ham hetone
ham hetone
Ham Woman Hetónėhá'e
hamburger tsé-péene
· tsé-péene ho'évohkȯtse
hammer a'kėstséatȯhohko
· tȯhohko
· -tonȯhené
· -toóneohené
hammerhead tail feathers vóo'oomȧhévotōnėstse
Hammon, Oklahoma Éše'hȯhma'ȧhevēno
hampered by totáho'pe-
hand -anéestáahe'onáxe
· -e'óoestaáhe'onah(n)
· -éxovȧhe'onáho'he
· -hé'heškėhe'oná
· -he'kóovėhe'oná
· -he'oná
· -he'oná'ó
· -he-maehe'oná
· -hesėhe'onáotse
· -hesėhe'onáotse
· -'ahtse
· mȧ-he'ho
· ma'ahtse
· Ma'xenámosėstse
· na'ahtse
· -oévėhe'oná
· -ó'ėhe'oná
· -ósé
· -séhpėhe'oná'ó
· -séhpėhe'oná'ov
· -sȯsévėhe'onáotse
· -toehane'énȧhtsee'e
· -toehe'oná
· -vóhkėhe'oná'o
hand appear this way -tšėhešėhe'oná
hand clenched -hahpėhe'onáotse
hand game nó'oesanestȯtse
· nó'oeseo'o
· tsé-vó'komaestse
hand game - play -nó'oesané
hand game bone tsé-ne'evávȯxe'oestse
hand game songs nó'oesanénootȯtse
hand game stick hotseo'o
hand rash -anéehe'oná
handbag ka'emestȯtse
handful no'kėstáahe'o
handgame -ésȯhová
handicapped -hótoanahe
· -nonó'atamahe
handkerchief he'eemáhestȯtse
· nėhe'eeméhestotȯtse
handle -éšestsé
· -he-stsėhevá'xétó
· hoóneanāto
· -hoóneanatóeve
· hoóneanēō'o
· hóótó'e
· -ó'é
· -ootó'e
handle (of cup) toenēō'o
hands chapped -oó'honavėhe'oná
hands red from cold ma'ėhe'onávose
handsome -onó'ahe
· -pėhévahe
hand-tanned leather xamaemé'šéško
handyman -nonáhahe
hand(s) -he-'ȧhtsene
hang -anȯhóe'tó
· -hehpoése
· -he'kėho'oéstá
· -hoe'tó
· -hoésané
· -hoése
· -hoéstá
· -honóva
· -na'noésená
· -néma'ó'eá'kovoeto
· -nó'ėstoésená
· -oése
· -oéstá
· -óo'e'óe'tó
· -tónetoe'tó
· -tse'tse'xóe'tó
hang about -évoése
hang along -amoése
hang already -éšė-hoése
hang around -néma'eóé
hang backwards -éva'sévoése
· -éva'sévó'ané
hang beyond -hehpoéstá
hang bunched together -moméno'oéstá
hang by the door -nėhpoése
hang close -káhoése
· -pȧhoeše
hang clothes to dry -ó'oésané
hang down -á'kavoe'tó
· -anȯhóneoe'tó
hang dry meat -onóvá
· -tsėhetonóvá
hang dry meat everywhere -évonóvá
hang dry meat nicely -pėhévonóvá
hang free -séškoéstá
hang from -oe'tó
hang head down -á'kava'ee'e
hang hidden -hóomoése
hang how high? -tóne'ého'oése
hang in the middle -sétovoése
hang in the open -ménȯhkoe'tó
hang in the way -ta'omoéstá
hang loose -séškoéstá
hang loose on s.o. -vovéhpoet
hang loose (ropelike) -kávoneoe'tó
hang low -toohoése
hang on -tonó'ee'e
· -tonó'eotse
hang on to s.o. -tonó'e'tov
hang on to s.t. -hóéstse
· -tonó'e'tá
hang out of sight -hóomoéstá
hang out to dry -ó'oesanéstá
hang out with s.o. -vésta'ó'sem
hang over -á'avȧséétó
hang rotten dry meat -hoxonóvá
hang scanty amount of dry meat -o'hémonóvá
hang shredded -tse'tse'xóe'tó
hang skinny -sóhkomoése
hang slanted -némoése
· -némoéstá
hang stuck on -pȧhonoe'tó
hang s.o. -é'eet
hang s.o. by the neck -e'kotseet
hang s.o. to dry -ó'oésem
hang s.t. -hoéstá
· -hoestsé
hang s.t. to dry -ó'oéstsé
hang this way -tsėhetoéstá
hang together -mano'oésená
hang up something by the door -nėhpoésané
hang up s.o. -hoésem
hang upward -e'oéstá
hanger hoéséó'o
hang.from -oe'tó
hang.head.sit -ma'ėsta'ee'e
haphazardly neonóné'e
happen -éšeotse
· -ho'évahtá
· hómó'ȯhtse
happen quickly -otse
happen so -hesóotse
happen that way -hesóotse
happily máse-
· vóeše-
happy -másetanov
· -omómepėhévetanóotse
· -pėhévetanó
· -pėhévetanó'tov
· -vóešetanó
Happy Hunting Grounds séáne
· Séano'ehe
happy personality -hetótaetanehe
happy quickly - become -pėhévetanóotse
Happy Woman Vóešėhē'e
hard he'kon-
· -he'konȯhtáet
· mométsėstóve-
Hard He'konénėhesó-eše'he
hard háe'ého'oése-éestsestȯtse
· -he'konahe
· he'kone-
· -he'koneotse
· -he'konó
Hard Face Moon He'koneneéše'he
Hard Fat (Tallow?) Woman Héoseamėšké'héhe
Hard Ground He'konóma'ȯhtse
hard ground - be -he'konóma'o'e
Hard Hair He'konovéséhe
hard liquor vé'ho'émahpe
hard of hearing -hoveahtomóné
hard penis -he'konėhosé
hard personality -he'konoéstomo'he
hard stool -he'konȧsome
hard tack pieces mo'óhkonave-kóhkonȯheonȯtse
hardball he'konėhóhtséme
Hardin, Montana He'konémȧhoéve'ho'éno
hardware store hetóhkoné-hohtóvá-mȧhéó'o
harelip -tovó'ahtse
· -vóhkoohevahtsená
Harelip Whiteman Tovó'ȧhtsenáve'ho'e
harlot mátȧháá'e
· tónėšenóvé'e
harm's way -naévoma'o'é
harness ka'a'éeto'hamestȯtse
· tóva'ėseono
· tóva'ėseonȯtse
· tóva'eto'haméstotȯtse
harness livestock -tȯhevo'áeto'hamé
harrow hoxe'óma'ȯheo'o
Hart Homa'ėhēsta
harvest -hestóenove
· o'ene-
· -o'eno'é
harvest berries -o'enemenáeehe
harvest by hand s.t./s.o. -o'en
harvest by picking -o'enené
Harvest Moon Oenenéeše'he
harvest s.t./s.o. -o'eváen
harvest tree gum -o'eneahkané
Has Large Head Lice Woman Móma'xėstaemá'héhe
hat -he-vóhkėha'e
· hóhkėha'e
· hóhtšėha'e
· -né'tȯhkėha'én
hat - my navóhkėha'e
hat bounce off -né'tȯhkėha'éoesta'xe
hat (poss.) -vóhkėha'e
· -vóhtšėha'e
hatband néma'ó'ėhaseo'o
hatch -o'kȯhóvá
hatchet hóhkȯxéso
hate -péósané
· péose-
· -péosetanóotse
hate the gaze of s.o. -péohtóóm
hate the smell of s.o. -péosematóm
hateful -péohtahe
haul -amóvȯhto'he
· -ho'ó'en
· -nóhto'enené
· -óvoht
· -óvȯhto'he
haul home something -hóohtóvȯhto'he
haul something across -hóxovȯhtóvȯhto'he
haul something over (the hill) -nó'ėstovȯhto'he
haul s.o. -amóvȯhto'han
· -amóvot
haul s.t. -amóvȯhto'han
haul s.t. on the back -páo'kóvohtá
haunch -hesetónȧhaotse
· hetone
· -htsetone
· -tónaha
have he-
· hée-
· -héhamóone
· -héhamóone
· -he-ma'kaataeme'heóneve
· -he-séno'ėhasené
· he-st
· -he-tsénotȧhé'tov
· -he-véhestove
· -he-vovetȧsónevȯhtȧheve
· -ho'h
· hó'ko-
· -ho'tsé
· -ht...
· vovóhpone-
have a big face -máméné
have a big head -tȧhpe'ėstséá'e
have a big stomach -tȧhpe'kasé
have a blanket wrapped around -nȯhoomáohtsé
have a blowout (flat tire) -pó'ėho'he
have a car -he-amȧho'héstove
have a chief -he-véhoname
have a clock -he-éše'hame
have a coat -he-éstse'henove
have a companion -he-vésevoone
have a cramp in the finger -heškȯséotse
have a crooked braid -némo'tonohe
have a crying feeling -a'xaamétanó
have a dark hide -mo'ȯhtáexamanová
have a daughter -he-stónahe
have a den -he-stsevoxe
have a design -hohtȧheve
have a different way of life -nétȧhévėstave
have a flush (in cards) -énȯxe'ėstóné
have a friend (male to male) -he-vésenehe
have a girdle on -hóxe'ėsee'e
have a god -he-ma'heóname
have a good orgasm -pėhévomáotse
have a good singing voice -pėhévo'e'hahe
have a good wife -pėhéve'évá
have a grandfather -he-mėšémé
have a grudge against s.o. -totónėsétam
have a hairy nose -mé'šeesé
have a heart -he-stsėstahe
have a high personality -he'amoéstomo'he
have a hole in the ear -véhpe'está
have a home -he-stóo'ȯhtséstove
have a husband -heéhame
have a knife -he-mótȧhkame
· -he-mótšeške
have a large nose -ma'haa'eesé
have a lover -he-mé'oone
have a loving relationship with s.o. as a relative -méóhtoém
have a numb hand -naehe'oná
have a partner -he-vésevoone
have a paternal aunt -he-haehe
have a Roman nose -vóhko'xéné
· -vóo'xéné
have a round face -onéstaéné
have a row of teeth -manó'konené
have a search warrant -éveno'sané
have a shirt -he-éstse'henove
have a son -he-e'hahe
have a sore on the mouth -he-maahtsená
have a spirit helper -he-nésemóoname
have a split tongue -nésȯhkonávetaneve
have a star design -hotóhkevȯhtȧheve
have a strong smell -néseméa'xe
have a together feeling for s.o. -mano'etanó'tov
have a wagon -he-amó'eneone
have a wake for s.o. -vóonoé'tov
have a wet vagina -he'kóovȧháotse
have a wife -he-stse'eme
have a younger sibling -he-váseme
have all of s.t. in the mouth -mȧhetóhtá
have an infected finger -matseosé
have authority -he-sto'emanéstove
have babies rapidly close together -vé'soehné
have bad attitude and actions toward s.o. -totónėstá'tov
have bad breath -hoxeméahtsená
have bad feelings about s.t. -hávėsévetanó'tá
have bare shins ?? -oo'koná
have bed (over there) ?? -héstoomaa'e
have berries -he-méname
· -he-ménamétó
have big calf -tȧhpe'evá
have big (for example, coarse) hair -tȧhpe'ovésé
have child -he-nésone
have common law marriage with s.o. -tsėhésevéstoem
have confidence in s.o. -momé'hevátam
have contest with s.o. -novet
have cramps in the calves -hesėseváotse
have cramps in the legs -hesėškóhtaotse
have croup -pá'he'haa'e
have diabetes -vé'keemȧhpeve
have dirt in hair -heše'kévėstséá'e
have dirty anus -mátsevo'e
have dog belly ?? -hotameoxeve
have domestic (esp. marital) conflict -pe'pe'éstá
have dry meat -he-stonóvȯhkone
have ears - cause s.o to have -hestovootsé'seh
have ears back -popáhóéné'ó
have ear(s) -he-stovóotse
have enmity toward s.o. -nėsétam
have eyes closed -méo'éxané
have father -hehe
have feather -he-ma'óhkeene
have fine (textured) hair -vé'sovésé
have firewood -he-mȧxeme
have fireworks -pó'po'ėho'hóvá
have food -he-mésėhéstove
· -he-stame
· -he-stámee'e
have fortitude -héhnovetanó
have fun with s.o. -véstaenóvem
have gallstones -hesto'honáhkame
have good sexual sensations -pėhévomáotse
have good teeth -pėhévonené
have goose bumps (goose-pimples) -he-stsėskóveotse
have grass in hair -mo'e'évėstséá'e
have grudge against s.o. -óhnetsėstov
have grudge toward s.o. -nėsétam
have gum -he-ahkame
have hair tangled up -pe'pe'ėstséáóó'e
have house -he-mȧheóné
have how many seeds up in the seed-in-basket game -tónėšėhasené
have however many in the lodge -he-stóhtȯheomenehe
have in eyesight -ho'óo'ó
have Indian marriage with s.o. -tsėhésevéstoem
have infected leg -mátsevėškóhtá
have information -tonotóhtá
have in-law respect toward s.o. -tanéhetsėstov
have intense feeling -háatanó
have intercourse -e'xoevo'eše
· -he-veve
have intercourse with s.o. -he-stse'émeotsé'tov
· -he-vévé'tov
· -he-vévé'tov
have land -he-sto'e
have lice -he-staeme
have long eyelashes -tó'ėsevé'hénóse
have long feet -tó'ėsėhahtá
have long thighs -tó'ėsenómá
have lots of milk -háetanȧháohtsé
have many horses -háestȯhé'hamé
have many husbands -háestȯheéhamá
have many sounds -háestȯhe'šemé
have many things to do -háestȯhanené
have messy hair -pe'pe'ėstséáóó'e
have mind elsewhere -otaa'está
have money -he-ma'kaataeme
have more right to s.t.. -háhanéhétsestá
have more than enough of s.t. -oótȧháman
have movement (esp. of trees) from the wind -momóhtona'há
have nits -henénó'sané
have no chance -kánomeotse
have no socks on -oo'koná
have no special use -kánoma'e
have numb leg(s) -naeškóhtá
have on a blanket -he-stoome
have on a dress -he-voestove
have on a shawl -nȯhoomáohtsé
have on gloves -he-to'hahe
have on shoes (or moccasins) -o'(k)ėhaná
have one's husband take off during lack of vigilance -hánȯhóenomeotse
have oral sex on a man -heseoestoh(n)
have oral sex with s.o. -mév
have pain in the eyeballs -ónėšemenoo'éxanéohtsé
have pain in the hand -ónėšėhe'onáohtsé
have pain in the joints -ónėšėhotoná'eonáohtsé
have pain on the stomach -ónėxȧséohtsé
have period -nȧhestóné
have plume -he-ma'óhkeene
have ponds around -évoomoehá
have red fur (or hide) -ma'ová
have sex -amo'eétahe
· -heéhame
have sex all night -vóono'eétahe
have sex with s.o. -he-éhamé'tov
have shoes on -he-mo'kėhané
have skinny legs -tótšėške'eóhtá
have soft hand(s) -he'kėhe'oná
have something in the eye -a'tó'seneotse
have spotted horses -vovó'hasé'hamé
have such a heart -nėhe'ėstáhá
have such a number birthday -éšeame
have such abode -hesta
have surgery -tsėhetaxe
have survival skill -hónevatanó
have swollen testicles -póheta'xeváotse
have s.o. -he-stsėhove
have s.o. alone -no'ka'ov
have s.o. as a buddy -he-vésta'ó'seoné'tov
have s.o. as a friend -he-vése'é'tov
have s.o. as a partner -he-vésevooné'tov
have s.o. as a possession -he-stsėhóve'tov
have s.o. as a relative -he-vóohestové'tov
have s.o. as a spouse -he-vésevooné'tov
have s.o. as brother-in-law (of male) -he-vé'tóvé'tov
have s.o. as child -he-nésónėhé'tov
have s.o. as companion -he-vésevooné'tov
have s.o. as cross sibling-in-law -he-vétamé'tov
have s.o. as friend -he-vésenéhé'tov
have s.o. as god -he-ma'heónamé'tov
· -he-ma'heónėhamé'tov
have s.o. as husband -he-éhamé'tov
have s.o. as lover -he-mé'ooné'tov
have s.o. as older sister -he-mėhé'tov
have s.o. as son -he-e'hahé'tov
have s.o. as wife -he-stse'éme'tov
have s.o. on a short rope -káhonean
have s.o. valued as sibling -he-vésėsónevoem
have s.t. as medicine -he-ma'heáhame
have s.t. as power -he-ma'heáhame
have s.t. between the buttocks -tó'hove'ėsé'tá
have s.t. in a bundle (for example, in fold of apron) -a'éen
have s.t. on a short rope -káhonean
have s.t. tied to the waist -sénohá
have s.t./s.o. in a bundle -a'éen
have tapeworm(s) -méhname
have teeth -he-véese
have the time -he-éšeame
have things easy -he'ketanó
have this tune -tsėhešehá
have thorns in the hand -he'kėhe'onáxe
have time -po'o'tá
have tired butt from sitting -mȧhove'ėsee'e
have to me'-hó'ke-
· vóhpone-
have to (emphatic) éšėhó'ke-
have too much to do -tséena'éóó'e
have tricks played on -ná'so'ēē'e
have trouble (of a woman) -pe'pe'á'eve
have twitching in face -hesėséne'še
have two braids -néso'tonohe
have two horses -néše'hamé
have two seeds up in seed-in-basket game -néšėhasené
have venereal disease -mátsevȧháotse
have V.D. -mátsevȧháotse
· -mátsevȯhosé
have warts on the leg -šé'šėškemȧhéveóhtá
have wet feet -he'kóovėhahtá
have wings -he-tsénoone
have wolf footprints -ho'néhevėhohtsé
have (something) for s.o. -ho'tseov
have.teeth.row -manó'konené
Hawaiian Mo'e'évoestáhe
Hawaiian skirt -mo'e'évoestá
hawk aénohe
· Aénȯhea'eotse
· hoestomo
· óestome
Hawk aénohe
Hawk Trail Woman Aénȯheméóná'e
Hawk Walking Aénohe Ȯhtamēhnėstse
Hawk Woman Aénȯhé'ke
hay hoxomȯho'haméstotȯtse
· mo'ē'ėstse
· na'heeséve'one
hay fork ane'kȯhēō'o
· táhohēō'o
hay rack mo'e'étȧho'seo'o
· táho'ėhaseo'o
hay smell -mo'e'éméa'há
· -mo'e'éméa'xe
haze anėstaeše
hazy -véno'tá
hazy in the environment -véno'távoománo'e
he é-
· nevá'hanéhe
He doubled it (for example, folded it in half each fold). -tóovema'en
he is the one (distal taa'háanéhe
he is the one (proximal nea'háanéhe
He is the one. mónėséhanéhe
he (is) the one (reportative) nėsesėstse
head -pó'poestséa'ov
· sétoo'éá'e
· -tomȧha'én
· véhonėhomȯséhe
· -vó'omėstséá'e
Head Ma'xėstséáhe
head -a'é
· -a'éše
· -a'(k)é
· -axeestaemáohtsé
· -héstova'ehe
· -héva'ee'e
· -ho'a'éše
· me'ko
· mé'kóne
· -mé'koneve
· -nótȧxévėhoneve
· -o'a'éotse
· -ónėšėstséáohtsé
· -só'soestséá'e
· stséá
· -tóehane'éše
· -toestséá'e
· -tomȧha'é'ho'h
· -tomȧha'éotse
· -tsėheta'éotse
· -vó'hestséá'e
Head Tséáhe
head -toehane'énȧhtsee'e
head appear while in water mé'a'évėhoésená
head at opposite side of bed -évava'eše
head back hánoe-
head covered with s.o. -héva'kéehé'tov
head down play éva'kėsé'hamȧhtsestȯtse kȧsé'?
head erect -ka'a'éóó'e
head for the hills -hónéváohtsé
Head Hanging Low Woman Má'ėsėhóná'e
head jerk like this -tsėheta'é'šé
head pained -ónėxa'éše
head pillowed -ma'éstoné
Head Start Program students tsé-móneasėtȯxe'ėstónese
Head Start student tsémóneasėtoéstónėstse
· tsémóneasėtȯxe'ėstónėstse
head that way heta'éve-
· -tsėheta'éohtsé
head to hide -ahtoeotse
Head Woman mé'koná'e
headache -távėstaóohtsé
headband hóxėstséaahestȯtse
· hóxėstséáhéó'o
head-butt s.o. -kóna'é'ov
Headchief Hemé'konȯhvéhonevėstse
Headchief Battlefield Hemé'konéȯhvéhonevėstse Henéšeóohevahtȯtse ??
headdress kȧhkoeóeseo'o
Headswift Hemé'kónȯhnėševaestse
heal -éno'eéstomané
· -énomóhtȧhé'ėstómané
heal s.o. -éno'eéh
· -énomóhtȧhé'seh
· -évaešé'tov
Healing Rock Woman Vóestaoheoevá'e
healthy -he'konahe
Heap Of Birds Vé'kėseo'ȯxháestȯxese
hear -ahtomóné
· hoó'h-
· -nȧha'ȧhtomóné'tov
· -nȧha'ȧhtov
· -néstomóné
· -néstov
· -néto'xevá
hear about s.o. -néstomóné'tov
hear about s.t. -néstomóné'tá
hear alone -no'kȧhtomóné
hear bad news -hávėsévȧhtomóne
hear from there -héstȧhtomóne
hear good news -pėhévȧhtomóné
· -pėhévenéstomóné
hear something extraordinary -hoháahtomóné
hear s.o. -ahtov
hear s.o. differently -nétȧhévȧhtov
hear s.t. -néstá
hear that way -hetȧhtomóne
hear well -pėhévȧhtomóné
hear wrong -ó'ȯhtȧhtov
hearse séotséamȧho'hestȯtse
· séotséameohestȯtse
heart hestáhevetšėške
· hestsēsta
· -htsestá
· -htsėstáhévá
· ve'kȯtse
Heart hēsta
heart hēsta
· -stáhá
heart - have a -he-stsėstahe
heart ache for s.o. -ná'tsetanó'tov
heart beat -kó'ko'ėstáháxe
Heart Butte Hestávóse
Heart River Hestáo'hé'e
heartbroken -ná'tsetanó
hearts tsé-ma'ėhestáhevȯxe'ohe
heartwood vénȧho'ȯhtse
heat -aho'hová
· -ho'tá
· -ma'ėho'he
· nes-
· neš-
· -nėšėho'há
· -ó'xȧho'há
· -póho'tá
heat food -nėsóome'há'ené
heat hot -háoho'hová
heat of engine -évȧho'tá
heater nėšėho'hóvahtȯtse
heaven he'amó'ome
· he'amo'omēē'e
· pȧhávėstánóva
heavenly he'amo'ome-
heavy háanae-
· háanahe
· -háananeta
· -háananó
heavy hearted -háanaestáhá
heavy work -háanaevotse'ohe
· -háanaotse'ohe
hedge héva
· tā'se
heed -amȧhtov
heel -htsesto
· -htséstoná
· nȧhtsesto
· nȧhtséstóne
· -onémėstséstonávo'kėhaná
· -tó'ėse'ėsévo'ėhaná
heels blistered -anéestséstonáxe
height -'ėstahe
helicopter néma'ó'a'hasenéame'hahtȯtse
hell ȧhtóno'omēē'e
· a'enevonėšenahtȯtse
· heávȯhenēno
· máxeósėhahtsestȯtse
hell raiser -péeeesé
hell raiser woman mé'ėško'á'e
hello haáahe
· héehe
help -véstahe
· -véstȧhém
· -véstȧhéotse
help s.o. quickly -véstȧhéotsém
help (people) -véstȧhémȯsané
helper (poss.) -véstaneo'o
helpless -hoó'ėspeotse
· -popá'etanó
· -popá'etanóotse
helter-skelter think -vonėstséá'e
hem s.t. -tóovenóhtá
hemorrhage -momé'aahtsenáotse
· -momé'aahtsenávotome
hemorrhage from the mouth -momé'aahtse
hemorrhoids -ma'évȧsome
hemp ma'éveotsévó'ėstse
hen he'ékokȯhéaxa
henpecked -hestóxehné
henpecked husband -momóoname
her co-wife hevéono
her face hestséne
her father heho
her husband heéháme
her vagina (poss.) hestse'kestá
herald -amóo'xevá
· -hóo'xevá
herb heséeo'ȯtse
· -htsėséeotame
Herb Woman Heséeotá'e
herbal -htsėséeotame
herd -he-stotóame
· -ho'a'ov
· -htotóame
herd livestock tsėheta'óvo'hamé
herd s.o. -tsėheta'ov
here hénėhéno
· hétsėhéno
· hétsėhéóhe
· hétsėhéto
· néa'hanehe
· tsėhéno
· tsėhéóhe
· tsėhéto
here and there totáhóésta
here he is nea'háanéhe
here they (inan.) are heta'háanevótse
here! nóáhe
Here! náhe
here.and.there totósa'e
hermaphrodite he'émáné'e
hero nevá'hanéhe
heron nee'póhehe
hesitate -héstovetanó
hesitate to spend (s.t.) -hetsevȯhtóvá
hesitation hetoo
hex -noma'ov
· -nonó'homa'ov
hey eee
· hee
· heee
· héhe
he's the one (distal naa'háanéhe
hiccup -hesóvá
hickey héško'e
· -mév
hidden hóome-
· -hóomo'tá
hide -ahtoeše
· -hestáhpané
· ho'éeve
· -hóomónoo'e
· -hoóomoo'e
· -mo'ȯhtávová
· -nó'oestomev
· -ová
· -séetová
· vó'kaeheévaho
· vó'kaehevȯtse
· -vó'komová
hide face -ta'a'é'o
hide from s.o. -vone'ȯh(n)
hide out of sight behind something -hóomėstaohe
hide scraper mónáhtsėstse
· sé'senȯhēō'o
· xomȯhēō'o
hide s.o. -ahtoešem
· -hóoman
· -nó'oet
hide s.o. quickly -nó'oešévaen
hide s.t. -hóoman
· -nó'oestsé
hide s.t. quickly -nó'oešévaen
hide (poss.) -hto'éeve
hide-a-bed šéešestȯtse tsé'ȯhkėséhpa'o'xe
high -éškȯsenonéoohe
· -háa'éhoéstá
· -háa'ého'oése
· -háa'ého'oése
· -háa'ého'oésem
· -háa'ého'oéstá
· -háa'ėsto'tá
· -'ėstahe
· -nėhe'ého'oéstá
· -tó'ėho'omené
· -tó'ėse'ėsévo'ėhaná
· -tóne'ėstó'ohe
· -tsėhe'ėseóó'e
High Bear He'ámánáhkohe
· Náhkȯxháa'ého'oésėstse
high blood pressure - have -he'amoésta mȧhtsemá'eme
· mȧhtsemá'eme éhe'amoésta
High Bull Hotoa'e Ȯxháa'ého'oésėstse
High Chief He'amavéhonevėstse
high cliff -ó'hoésta
high fever ȧhtóno'e ...-amȧho'he
High Forehead E'še'óhtanéhe
High Hair He'kamovéséhe
High Hawk Aénohe Ȯxháa'ého'oesėstse
high heeled shoe tó'ėstó'onávo'keha
high pitch mark -he'amȯxe'ohe
high pitch sing -éškȯsenoné
high price -háaoéstóné
high rank - have a -totáho'sané
high school tsé-háa'ého'oésta mȯxe'ėstónemȧhēō'o
high voice -kóe'hahe
High Wolf Hó'neoxháa'ého'oesėstse
high (of a mountain or hill) -háa'ého'omenó
higher education háehéne'enovȧhestȯtse
· tséhné'evėhéne'enovȧhéstove
higher priced -hehpoeme
highly value -háatam
high-top boot tó'ėstó'ono
Highwalker He'ámȧhtamēhnėstse
Highwalking Woman He'ámámėhné'e
Highwaters He'amȧxhoéso'ėstse
highway patrolman méonematanaéve'ho'e
Highwolf Ho'néoxháa'ého'oése
hill hoéhase
· hoéhose
· -ma'o'omenó
· -o'enó ??
· -o'omenó
· -ose
· -pa'óma'o'e
· -tó'ėho'omené
· Tsé-ho'hamō'ta Hohtóva-mȧheo'o
· tséh-pa'óma'o'e
· tsés-tovó'oma'ene
· tséš-šéstotó'evo'omēno
· vos
hill ?? -'om ??
hillside hó'ham-
· hó'hameto
· -ho'hamo'tá
· hó'hamōse
· hó'hamose
· néhamose
hillside ground -hó'hamóma'o'é
hinder hestom-
· -hestoman
· hestome-
· -hestometanó'tov
· -hestomóová
· -hetoma'ó'h
· ta'ome-
hinder s.o. -hestomo'eéh
hindered -hestomahe
· -hestomeotse
· totáho'pe-
hindered by cold -hestomose
hindered by cooking -hestomȧhá'ené
hindered by drinking -hestomȧše'še
hindered by eating -hestomo'enohe
hindered by sickness -hestomomóhtahe
hindered by work -hestomotse'ohe
hint -onéhamó'ané
hip hešeo'o
· -htšėšeo'o
· -šéoná
hippy mé'hovávevé'ho'e
hire -hotse'ót
· -monotse'ónáne
· -monotse'ónané'tov
hire s.o. -ho'otsé'tov
his arm he'ahtse
His Bad Horse Hátavėsévé'háme
· Hátavėséve'haméhe
· Hátavėsévé'hámėstse
his blood hestsemá'eme
His Blood hestsemá'eme
his brother-in-law hevé'tovo
his bustle hestóxe'ėsénéó'o
his cattle hestotóamo
his cowarrior hevéstaxe
his den hestsevoxe
his dish hestsetohko
his ear hestovóo'ȯtse
his elbows hestsé'oono
his face hestséne
his father heho
his fellow society member hevéstaxe
his forearm he'ahtse
his garden hesto'eo'o
his heart hestsēsta
his home hestóo'ȯhtsestȯtse
· hevenȯtse
his horn hestsevéveto
his knee henėstāne
his land hesto'e
his meat hesto'évȯhkȯtse
his mother heške
his mouth hestse
his pants hevȯhtoho
his pieces of clothing hestone'óonȯtse
his tail hestsėhévá'xe
his umbilical cord hestsésta'he
his wife hestse'emo
his wives hestse'emo
His Wounded Eye He'éxáá'e Hesta'éhe
his (or her) companion tsévé'ȯhtsémose
his (or her) spouse tsévé'ȯhtsémose
his/her child(ren) henésono
his/her food héstáme
his/her paternal aunt hehaeho
hit -áhanȯhéné
· -évavo'eše
· -háoeoestoh(n)
· kóe(n)-
· kón-
· -nȧha'emas
· -nȧha'emȧxestá
· -nȧha'emestá
· -oom
· -oosané
· pó-
· -póeneoestoh(n)
· -póeomenéh(n)
· pó(n)-
hit ?? -evo'
hit and bounce back -évavo'eše
hit and fart -pánėstšéše
hit back of s.o. -póe'pa'onáh(n)
hit bull's eye -nȧha'enóhtá
hit butt of s.o. -póo'ėséh(n)
hit by sun -hotȯxȧho'he
hit ear of s.o. -póo'ėstáh(n)
hit finger of s.o. -péoséh(n)
hit ground quickly ?? -ooma'ó
hit hand -póehe'onáxe
hit head -kóestséáxe
· -kóna'éše
hit head of s.o. -kóna'éh(n)
· -kóna'éhnoh(n)
· -kóna'ov
hit head of s.t. -kóna'ehá
hit head top from falling -tóestááxe
hit nose of s.o. -póeeséh
hit on the head -kóena'ehe
hit quickly -na'xévaen
hit s.o. all in -mȧheésevo'oh(n)
hit s.o. by tool -vo'oh(n)
hit s.o. in the back -tó'pa'onáh(n)
hit s.o. in the chest -póešenéh(n)
hit s.o. in the ear(s) -póe'ėstáh(n)
hit s.o. in the eye -póo'éxanéh(n)
hit s.o. in the face -póéné'ov
hit s.o. in the foot -póehahtáh(n)
hit s.o. in the head -póestséáh(n)
hit s.o. in the nape -póehane'éh(n)
hit s.o. in the nose -póoeséh(n)
hit s.o. in the nose causing a bad nosebleed -momóhtse'eeséh(n)
hit s.o. in the rear -tóo'ėsén
hit s.o. lost -vonevo'ȯh(n)
hit s.o. on head -póestséa'ov
hit s.o. on the head -kóena'éh(n)
· -kó'kona'éh(n)
· -kóna'éh(n)
· -kóna'éhnoh(n)
hit s.o. on the ribs -póe'péh(n)
hit s.o. on top -táxevo'oh(n)
hit s.o. so go flying by -amevo'oh(n)
hit s.o. straight -xanovevo'oh(n)
hit s.o. up by tool -he'amevo'oh(n)
hit s.o. very badly with tool -hoháeoestoh(n)
hit s.o. with a cracking noise -kónoh(n)
hit s.t. -oohtá
hit s.t. crooked -vóhkevo'ohá
hit s.t./s.o. -hótȯhtan
hit the ground -oomeše
hit the nail on the head -kóna'ehá
hit the nail on the head about s.o. -nȧha'em
hit with a bump -kóno'ehá
hit with a popping sound -kónȯhó'e
· -kónȯhoné
hit with cracking noise -kónȯhené
hitch s.o. -tóva'et
hitch up horses -éstȯhta'éno'hamé
· -too'eto'hamé
hitch up horse(s) -tóva'etȯho'hamé
· -tóva'eto'hamé
hitchhike -tšėhešėtséhoné
hither nėh-
· nėx-
hit.in.mouth -póahtsenáh(n)
hoarse voice -hoxe'hahe
· -hoxe'hahe
· -mo'ó'xoe'hahe
hobble néšeóhtaeto'hamestȯtse
hobble horses -néšeóhtaeto'hamé
hobo a'ko'xéve'ho'e
Hobo A'ko'xéhe
hoe e'óma'ȯheo'o
hog -hohamó'áne
hoist -e'óneanené
hoist s.t./s.o. -e'ónean
hold -hetoma'ó'h
· no'ȯhomó'hestȯtse
· toe(n)-
· -toen
· -toen
· -toestóo'onánȧhtsee'e
· -tonó'ee'e
hold a lot of liquid -tótȧhpe'o'ená
hold arm up -he'amena'évá'ó
hold back hestom-
· -hestoman
· hestome-
· -hestomémané
· -tó'heméohe
· -tó'hetanó
hold back s.o. -hestomo'eéh
hold hand of s.o. -hoona'én
hold hands walking with s.o. -amoona'én
hold head up -ka'a'éóó'e
hold horses -toeno'hamé
hold in the lap -no'oé'tovohe
hold on -tonó'eotse
hold on to s.o. -tonó'e'tov
hold on to s.t. -tonó'e'tá
hold out -oéhnovetanó
hold s.o. by the hair -móheno'eet
hold s.o. in the mouth -toenotóm
· -tonotóm
hold s.o. so can't move -me'ta'ó'h
hold s.o. standing -no'eóé'tov
hold s.o. tangled up -totáho'pan
hold s.o. temporarily -toeváen
hold s.o. tight -me'tan
hold s.o. to death -áhanan
hold s.t. in the mind -tonétsestá
hold s.t. in the mouth -némotóhtá
· -tonotóhtá
hold s.t. sitting -no'oo'e
hold s.t. temporarily -toeváen
hold s.t. while standing -nó'eóó'e
hold s.t./s.o. close -ho'xó'an
hold to heel of s.o. -toestséstonan
hold to s.t./s.o. with (others) -véstoen
hold two of s.o. in the mouth -nésotóm
hold two things -néxan
hold up s.o. -tó'ha'ov
hold up the pipe -toenomósané
Holding Woman Tóéhné'e
hold.with.foot -toe'á
· -toe'ov
hole -oó'xó
· véhp-
· véhpe-
· vós-
· -vóseve
· -vósó
· -vósoma'o'e
· -vóxeve
hole - deep -háa'éhotoo'e
hole - very deep -vone'éhotoo'e
hole (poss.) -htsevoxe
holes in sock(s) -oó'xėhoxeoná
holes in the ears -vovéhpe'está
holiday -nétȧhéve-éšeeve
holler -hoó'hahtóohe
· -hovéhpo'emá
· -momáta'e'hahétsėstov
· -pe'pe'éstá
· -pe'pe'ésta'tov
· -tȧhpe'e'hahe
· -tȧhpe'e'hahéotse
holler all night -vóonéstá
holler at s.o. -tȧhpe'e'hahétsėstov
holler fast -nonótovȧhtóohe
holler loudest -hohaméstá
holler loudly -háahpe'e'hahe
· -háésta
holler.fly -pe'pe'e'háoohe
hollow véhp-
· -véhpahe
· -véhpan
· -véhpeoen
· -véhpó
· -vótanóma'o'e
· vovéhp-
hollow eyes -vovéhpotoéne
hollow out s.t. by cutting -véhpoxá
hollow sound -véhpe'šeme
· -véhpevone
hollow s.o. -véhpan
hollow s.o. by tool -véhpoh(n)
hollow wood Véhpȧhoo'ȯtse
Hollow Wood Véhpȧhoo'ȯtse
Hollowbreast Vósȯhtaxe
hollow.by.tool -véhpohá
holster ka'o'éve'hano'ȯtse
holy Ma'heóneéestsé'e
· -ma'heónėstanove
Holy Ma'heónoó'kȯhtá'e
holy ma'heón-
· ma'heóne-
holy appearance -ma'heónatamaahe
Holy Appearing Woman Ma'heónemé'eohtsé'e
holy city ma'heónėhéstánóva
Holy Comes Woman Ma'heónėho'ėhné'e
Holy Corn Woman Ma'heónoó'ȯhtá'e
Holy Dancer Woman Ma'heóno'sóó'e
Holy God Háonovahe
holy man ma'heónėhetane
holy man - be a -ma'heónėhetaneve
Holy Medicine Bag Ma'heónevé'šeeseo'o
holy news ma'heónėhósėstoo'o
Holy Packs Woman Ma'heóno'xé'e
Holy Robe Woman Ma'heónoomá'e
holy roller évo'enáhe
Holy Singing Woman Ma'heónenémené'e
Holy Spirit hóxe'emȧhta'sóoma
· Ma'heónemȧhta'sóoma
· Ma'heóneómotome
Holy Standing Woman Ma'heóneóó'e
Holy Tassel Woman Ma'heónema'óhkeená'e
Holy Tepee Circle Woman Ma'heóno'honē'e
Holy Walker Ma'heóneameōhtse
Holy Walking Woman Ma'heóneámeohtsé'e
Holy Walks About Ma'hēō'o Ȯhtséóhtsėstse
Holy Woman Ma'heóná'e
home énóváne
· énóve
· énóvo
· hevenȯtse
· hévénóve
· -he-vénove
· -ho'ėhóohto'ȧhéotse
· hóoht-
· -hóohta'ovo'hamé
· -hóohtanovot
· -hóohto'xe
· -hóohtotóm
· hóo'-
· -hóó'óhtse
· -hóo'ȯhtséh
· hóo'ȯhtsestȯtse
· -hóo'oohe
· -hóo'oohetanó
· hóo'otsėstómanestȯtse
· -hóo'otsestsé
· -htóo'ȯhtsestȯtse
· navenȯtse
· nénovane
· nénóve
· -venȯtse
home - drag s.o. -hóosėstósem
home - drive s.o. -hóosevo'e'ov
homely with a handsome spouse anȯhemé- (anȯho??)
homesick -hoóno'otse
· -hoónȯsé'ót
homeward hóose-
hominy ta'emenonȯtse
· vé'ho'é-ta'emenonȯtse
homosexual he'émáné'e
honey háhnomȧhépano'ėhasēō'o
· háhnomápano'ėhasēō'o
honor s.o. -pėhéve'ót
· -vóo'ėstómané'tov
honorable -ono'átamaahe
hood -héva'evoehá
· -héva'kévoheehe
hooded cradleboard hóhkėha'e
hoof -htóohevó
hoofs heheso
· -hema'énanȯhová
hoof, split -nésȯhkonávėhahtá
hook -axeetoo'é'ó'h
hooked together during intercourse -nésoe'tóotse
hooked together during mating -hestȯhkó'haséetó
hoop ahkó'ȯhéó'o
· hohtse-
· hó'xėséme
hoop game -ahkȯheohtsé
Hoop Moon Hohtseéše'he
hoot -éškȯse'šeme
hop -koká'a'xe
· -o'evo'eše
hop along -ame'kȧhé'šé
hope with regard to s.o. -hotséovo'tátam
hope with regard to s.t. -hotséovo'tátsestá
hopelessly otáxa
Hopi Xaehétane
hopscotch -amekoká'a'xe
horizontal -amėséné
horn -évesé
· hestsevéveto
· -htsevevėstse
· Mé'ševėséhe
· -tšėhe'kėsévésé
· vevėstse
horn break off -po'évésé
horned toad hestóhkáhne
· popé'eoónȧha'e
horns -hestsevéveše
horny -heškóvó
· -nėševónea'xe
Horse Vá'kȯhé'haméhe
horse -aseta'hasó'heohe
· -éstȧhtsenáno'hāme
· -he'hemėšéoná
· -heta'ovo'hamé
· ho'ótano'haméstotȯtse
· -hóohta'ovo'hamé
· -'hamé
· mo'éhno'ha
· -né'tȧhtsenáno'hamé
· -o'ha(m)
· -táhoestȯtse
· táhoestȯtse
· -tó'ha'éeto'hamé
· -vá'kȯhé'hamé
· vé'ho'évo'ha
· -vésto'hame
Horse - Black Mo'ȯhtávo'ha
horse - black mo'ȯhtávo'hame
Horse Creek Mo'éhno'haméo'hé'e
horse hide mo'éhno'hamé-ho'éeve
horse mask mo'éhno'hamévenestȯtse
· nėhpeeséeto'hamestȯtse
horse medicine mo'éhno'hamé-heséeo'ȯtse
horse perfume mo'éhno'hamémȯxėšéne
Horse Road Mo'éhno'haméméó'o
horse weed hémotséhnó'ėstse
horsefly mo'éhno'haméhése
· po'ėháhnoma
horseshoe ma'aataévėhahtáno'hamestȯtse
HORT -es
· -ha
· ta-
· -voo'ėse
hospitable -másetsėstahe
hospitable to people -másetsėstósané
hospital heséeotsémȧhéó'o
· naa'émȧhéó'o
hot -háaeho'tá
· -háoho'he
· -háoho'tá
· -hoháoho'tá
· -hónetsėstȧho'he
· nes-
· neš-
· -nėšėho'tá
· -nėševónea'xe
· -vo'évaeho'tá
hot - be -nėšėho'he
hot and dry -ó'aeho'tá
hot and dry weather ?? -enėstaešeeohtsé
hot and humid -hohpotómȧho'tá
· -hohpotómó
hot coals -énȯse'ėstovoo'e
hot coals left -ésenėstovoehá
hot feet -nėšėhahtáho'he
hot flashes -nėšeoestȧho'he
hot humid windy -hohpotóma'há
hot plate homȯsestȯtse
hot quickly -nėšeoestȧho'tá
hot water -háoome'tá
hotel ȯhtaenémȧhéó'o
hot.liquid -nėsóome'tá
hound hótame
house -he-mȧheóné
· -héstanovóósané
· heše'émȧheo'o
· mȧhēō'o
· mhayo'o
· -ome
· -véhpeome'tá
house already furnished mȧhēō'o tsééšemȧhestóone
household -htóo'ȯhtsestȯtse
housework -mȧhovemosé
· -mosé
· -pėhévemosé
housework quickly -néhemosé
hover -tó'hoése
how heše-
· -tóne'éhohtá
· -tóne'éno'e
· -tóne'esó
· -tónėšéahtám
· -tónėše'šeme
· -tónetȧho'tá
· -tónetȯhoo'e
· -tónetȯhtȧhéve'éxané
· -tóneto'otsé'tov
· -tónetomóhtȧhéotse
how act -tónetoéstomo'he
how act toward s.o. -tónetoéstomó'he'tov
how affected by tragedy suddenly -tóneto'omeeotse
how announce -tónetóo'xevá
how appear -tónėšenóno'e
· -tónėšenóohe
how be -he'xóvó
· -tónesta
how be the environment -tónetátamáno'e
how be written -tónetȯxe'ohe
how big around (of a ropelike entity) -tónetaa'óneehe
how big be a room -tónetaa'ene'ho'tá
How big feet -tónetó'ėsėhahtá
how called -véhétó
how called? -óxȯhestohe
how chase s.o. -tónėševo'e'ov
how colored -tónetȯhtȧheve
how colored from heat (or sun) -tónetȯhtȧho'tá
how cooked -tónetȧho'he
how count s.o. -tónetoem
how dance -tónetȯhomo'he
how day -tónėše-éšeeve
how deep -tóne'éhotoo'e
how deep (of a hole) -tónetaa'ótoo'e
how designed -tónetȯhtȧheve
how do something by feet -tšėhešėhahtáxe
how do something to s.o. -tóne'ov
how do s.t. -tónetaná
how do to s.o.? -tónėšé'tov
how do to s.t. -tónėšé'tá
how does s.o. hang -tóne'éhoése
How far apart in time? totónetó'e'še
how far distant -tóne'éhoma'o'e
how feel -tóne'xóvomóhtahe
how feel in texture -tónėšéa'e
· -tónėšéata
how feel mentally (or emotionally) -tónėšetanó
how feel (physically) -tónetomóhtahe
how fell -heta'ó
how furred -tónetová
how go -tóne'ohtsé
how hang dry meat -tónetonóvá
how high -tóne'ėstó'ohe
how high is it -tóne'ého'oésta
how high is s.o. -tóne'éhoése
how howl -tónetȧhtóohe
how inflict injury on s.o. -tónėševo'e'ov
how is it? -tónesó
how is the face -tónėšéne
how it is -tónesó
how jump -tsėheta'ó
how lie -tónėšeše
how long tóne'éše-
how long hair -tónėsta'é
how long in time tónėstȯhe-
how long lie -tóne'éšeše
how long stand -tóne'éšeóó'e
how long stay? -tóne'éhoo'e
how long travel -tóne'éšeohe
how look -tónėšenóno'e
· -tónėšenóohe
how many days tónėstȯhéé'ėše
How many days? tónėstȯheéno'e
how many go -tónėstȯheohtsé
how many months -tónėstȯheéše'hamá
How many nights? tónėstȯheéno'e
how many relatives -tónėstȯhnóohe
how many times tónėstoha
how many years tónėstȯheāā'e
How many (animate) are there? -tónėstoxe
How many (inanimate) are there? -tónėstoha
How many? tónesto
how much tóne'xóve-
how much charge -tónetoéstóné
how much regard s.o. -tóne'xóvátam
how much say -hetaa'ó'ané
how much tell story -hetaa'óhta'hané
how much weigh -tóne'xóvananeta
· -tóne'xóvananó
how named -tónėševéhe
· -véhétó
how often tónetó'e'še
how old -tónėstȯheaénamá
how painted -tónetóma'é
how price s.o. -tónetoem
how priced -tónetoeme
how regard s.o. -tónėsétam
how regard s.t. -tónėsetsestá
how related -tónetoém
How say something? -tónetó'ané
how sentenced -tóneto'emaohe
how sew s.o. -he'ót
how sewed -he'ohe
how shoot -tsėheta'ó
how sing -tónėšenoné
how sit -toneto'tá
· -tónetoo'e
how sized -tónetaeta
how smell -tónėšeméa'xe
· -tónėšeméeotse
how sound -tónėsévone
· -tónėšévone
· -tónetȧhtóohe
how s.t. feel (to someone) -tónetoma'tá
how tall -tóne'ėstahe
how taste? -tóne'énehe
how thick -tónetónotó
how think -tóne'xóvetanó
how think about s.o. -tónėsétam
how thrown -heta'ó
how treat s.o.? -tónėstá'tov
how used -heto'otse
how vocables are sung for s.t. -heše'hahé'tá
how vow -tóneto'xevá
how want s.o. to think -hešetanóna'ov
however he'-
· -hestȯhnóvahe
· -tóne'éhahe
however act toward s.o. -tónėstá'tov
however far distant -tóne'éhoma'o'e
however many tónesto
however many days tónėstȯhéé'ėše
however many go -tónėstȯheohtsé
however many in number hestȯh-
· hestȯhe-
however many times tónėstoha
however many years tónėstȯheāā'e
however many (animate) there were -tónėstoxe
however much hestȯh-
· hestȯhe-
· tónetáa'e
however much in numbers in the twenties tónėstȯhnó'e
however small amount tónetáhke'e
however tall -he'ėstahe
however the amoun hestȯh-
however the amount hestȯhe-
however value s.o. -tónetoem
howl -ahtóohe
· -hohetse
· -néstoohétó
howl all night -vóonȧhtóohe
Howling Antelope Vó'aa'ȯhnéstoohe
Howling Bird Vé'késȯhnéstooestse
· Vé'késȯhnéstoohe
Howling Coyote Ó'kȯhómȯhnéstooestse
Howling Crane Vóestasȯhnéstoohe
Howling Hawk Aénȯhenéstoohe
Howling In the Morning Méonéstoohe
Howling In the Morning Woman Méonéstoohé'e
Howling On the Ground Ho'évánéstoohe
Howling Rock Ho'honáhkenéstoohe
Howling Star Hotóhkenéstoohe
Howling Wolf Ho'néheevȧhtóohe
· Ho'néohnéstooestse
· Ho'néohnéstoohe
Howling Wolf Woman Ho'néheevȧhtóohé'e
Howling Woman He'enéstoohé'e
· Hé'ȯhnéstooestse
· Hé'ȯhnéstoohē'e
Howls All Night Vóonȧhtóoestse
Howls Along Woman Amȧhtóohē'e
· Tóohé'e
how.many tóhtoha
how.many.days.go tóhtȯheehné
· tónėstȯheehné
how? tóneš-
· tónėše-
· tónet-
Hubbard squash mo'ȯhtáemȧhoo'o
huddle from cold -mano'kose
hug s.o. -é'kotsen
· -é'kotseváen
huge -áhanao'ó
· -háahpe'ó
· -háahpeta
· -hoháahpe'ó
· mám-
huge growth of berry bushes -mámeno'o'é
huge number of vonėstoha
hugger - be a -é'kotsenová
human flesh vo'ėstané-ho'évohkȯtse
human meat vo'ėstané-ho'évohkȯtse
humble -hetómotse'ohe
· hetómotse'óhestȯtse
· -óehnovahe
humble toward s.o. -nėševátamȧhé'tov
humbly ask -mȧsemetanó
humid and hot -hohpotómó
hummingbird ma'kaataevé'késo
Hummingbird méeškaatsėhē'e
humorous -tó'hohtahe
· -totó'hohtahe
hump pa'-
· pa'(e)-
· -pa'e'pa'oná
· pa'e'pa'onahtȯtse
· pa'(k)-
· pa'(k)e-
· popá'ke-
· vóoo'e
humpback pa'e'pa'onáhe
· -pa'ke'oná
· pa'ke'pa'onáhe
Humped Nose Crow Ókȯhkevóo'xénéhe
hundred nexa mȧhtóhtȯhnó'e
· nexa mȧhtóhtȯhnó'e hóhtȧhnó'ka
· no'ka mȧhtóhtȯhnó'e
hung -é'eehe
hung over -nó'ėstoe'tó
hung over at the belly - become -ma'kȧséotse
hung over smell -nó'ėstoe'tómea'xe
hung-over -ma'kȧséotse
hungry -aná
· -háeaná
· -háeanáotse
· -hahponené
· -hahponenéotse
· -hoháéána
· -homó'aná
· -nonótovéaná
· -oó'xeaná
· -pȧhonohtá
hungry face -háeanávéné
hungry weak -sȯséveaná
· -sȯséveanáotse
hunt -émoh(n)
· -nése'néva
hunt and camp -émȯhóneehe
hunt (for large game) -émȯhóne
hunter émȯhónéhe
· -émȯhóne'heóneve
hurricane mahpe hevovetāso
hurried motion -a'ha
· -a'xe
hurriedly nenótove-
· nonótove-
· -ohe
hurriedly do something -nonótovo'eétahe
hurriedly get ready -éxa'ó'sané
hurry -hešéveohe
· hotáma'e
· nonótov-
· -onétovanené
· -véseotse
· -vésétáno
hurry as a whiteman -vé'ho'évėsetanó
hurry for s.t. -vésetsestá
hurry s.o. -vésėha'ov
· -vésėhan
hurry s.o. by telling -vésėhévam
hurry s.o. (through speaking) -nonótovévam
hurry up -nonótovanéne
· -onótovanéne
hurry up and eat -onótove'haná
Hurry! ótšėše
hurt -áhanomėstáhá
· -háama'tov
· ma'ééhe
· -ónėšeotse
· -vénahe
hurt by s.t. -vénátsestá
hurt eyes of s.o. -ónėše'éxanén
hurt face -ónėševénéohtsé
hurt feelings of s.o. -véneh
hurt feelings of s.o. (by talking) ?? -ónėšem
hurt s.o. -háomóseh
· -ónėxa'o'h
· -ónėxa'ov
· -ónėxan
hurt s.o. in a taboo way -a'seh
hurt s.o. severely -hoháeh
husband -éhamá
· -eosevéoná
· heéháme
· ma'hááhe
· -ma'háehame
· má'haeso
· ma'háhkése
· -ma'háhkėséhame
· má'hahkeso
· naéhame
· -nȧha'nee'e
· -nȧha'néohtsé
· néé'éve
· -nóhta'háohtsé
husband (poss.) -éhame
husk -éxoeno'é
husk s.o. -e'xoe'ó'tov
husky voice -mo'ó'e'hahe
hustler -nonáhahe
hyper -háaenove
· -nonótovahe
· -nonótovėstsea'e
· -onótovahe
· -onótoveotse
· -onóvėstsea'e
hypocrite -nėhesémáne
· vá'nenėhesémanéhe